Computer Related Abbreviations for Computer Hardware and Networking | SoftandIT

 Computer-Related Abbreviations:

Abbreviations for Computer Hardware and Networking

Hello and welcome to Computer Related Abbreviations. In this blog post, we will share some of the most commonly used abbreviations for computer networks and software. There are countless abbreviations in computer technology, but today we will focus on the ones that are used most frequently.

 01. Basic Computer Related Abbreviations:

PC – Personal Computer.

OS – Operating System. 

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display 

HDD – Hard Disk Drive 

BIOS – Basic Input Output System 

BYTE – Storage Unit 

ROM – Read Only-Memory 

SATA – Serial Advanced Technology Attachment  

SSD – Solid State Drive 

VGA – Video Graphics Array 

RDMA – Remote Direct Memory Access 

RAM – Random Access Memory

 RAID – Redundant Array of Independent Disks 

PDF – Portable Document Format 

CPU – Central Processing Unit 

AFA – All-Flash Array 

HDMI -High-Quality Media Interface.

02. Internet And Networking Related Abbreviations:

HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol

FTP – File Transport Protocol

IP – Internet Protocol

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

DNS – Domain Name Server 

ISP – Internet Service Provider 

LAN – Local Area Network 

PPP – Point to Point Protocol 

 SEO – Search Engine Optimisation 

URL Uniform Resource Locator

USB – Universal Serial Bus

 VR – Virtual Reality 

VRML – Virtual Reality Mark 

VR – Virtual Reality 

Computer Related Abbreviations for Computer Hardware and Networking | SoftandIT Computer Related Abbreviations for Computer Hardware and Networking | SoftandIT Reviewed by Mehedi Hasan on 8:36 AM Rating: 5

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